Finding natural healing can be an exciting moment. When we realize there are alternatives to our healing solutions, and that our bodies can correct problems that we are facing, naturally, it brings peace of mind. Grounding or Earthing offers us a simple, natural healing solution.
Finding the answers from God’s gifts.
I have been told that God gives us all we need to heal. When we begin to understand how nature is here to help us, we look at Mother Nature in new ways. This is remarkable and is making a remarkable difference in our lives and the lives of those we love.
Watch the following documentary to understand how our consciousness/awareness of what we have around us can change our lives.
Our Awareness of Grounding For Health & Better Lives Is Growing
Sharing Positive information such as earthing and natural healing is vital, especially in the world we are living in today. Once we become aware of the destructive forces that man has brought to our lovely planet, we comprehend how important it is for us to counteract such forces. We read in the Bible how long people lived during those times before man had a chance to interfere with the destructiveness of synthetic medicines, air, and water pollution, and now, the EMF radiation all around us. Each of us is bombarded with life-negating substances every day.
What A Blessing We Have Been Given!
A Natural Healing Source
All we need to do is find ways of connecting more often with our lovely planet.
This is truly a blessing for all of us, no matter where we call home or what we have in our pocketbooks. A free source of life-affirming energy.

Grounding Mats, Earthing Shoes, and Natural Solutions for Healing
It is difficult to believe that humanity has been so indoctrinated to believe that all our healing solutions need to be found in man-made solutions. Remember, God created each one of us, we are loved by our creator and why would we be left on this planet without answers?
I hope you enjoyed this documentary. I certainly did. It gives me hope for a brighter future for humanity. As the title of this website states, it is meant to help people learn more truth about who we are and what answers are available to us.
Grounding/Earthing is an answer, and I believe, each of us should experiment with it for ourselves and our personal well-being.

The time has come for our:
Personal Great Awakening.
No more being led in the wrong direction by those who have evil intentions. Conscious awareness of truths that are all around us can change our lives and the world we live in. Whether we have personally met or not, it doesn’t matter. We are truly all one. Most of us are looking for a happy, healthier life, without stress, and extreme pain, physically and mentally. We would like to have a better understanding of our purpose for being on this planet. At this time, many of us are beginning to understand that we have not recognized an unseen force in our lives that has taken control. It was our creator’s goal for us to live free, there has been a usurpation of our freedoms, including our ability to enjoy true freedom. Here in the US, our forefathers understood this and created a Constitution for our protection.
Grounding offers each one of us a new opportunity to grow through an awareness of what is available for us to share and experience. The health benefits can be experienced freely and our awareness can also be increased through our connection with nature and God’s goodness, itself.

Thank you for reading and thank you for sharing the possibilities available for each one of us. It is exciting to learn about the positive, natural opportunities that we have available. Our initial Awakening can be very disturbing to our minds, body, and souls; but learning that we always have a higher power that loves and wants to see positive outcomes for us gives us hope and the desire to continue to move forward with a purpose for our lives.
Stay strong, Stay healthy, Stay Alert,
Aware and Diligent in your beliefs.
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It is the goal of this website to share information that betters the lives of those that read it.