When the world is returned to We The People, we will be operating with God’s Law and Evil will be a word of the past.
Changes in Humanity

Your Consciousness Matters – Finding Your Purpose In Life
Change Your Life Your Way – Recognizing The Clues
When the world is returned to We The People, we will be operating with God’s Law and Evil will be a word of the past.
The Great Awakening is here now. It is 2024, and people are waking up to the evil we have seen. Our laws are not being respected and evil seems to want to run the world.
When answers are difficult to come to you, close your eyes and release the question by imagining the answer gently tapping on your shoulder.
Remember when? This is a memory from many people’s past. Let’s discuss how not saying The Pledge of Allegiance has changed our world.
You need a positive attitude to take advantage of the law of success. Time For Change