IT Jobs Without A College Degree


IT Jobs Without A College Degree

New Opportunities   Good Info For Today!

We have been seeing skills become more important in the hiring process than degrees.  Even President Trump addressed the situation during his presidency.

I just found the following article and wanted to share the information with you.  Technology has change our work environment and situations like the recent pandemic has altered our job situations even more.

Following is an except from the article entitled :  Information Technology Degree College Workforce from

     “After the COVID-19 pandemic, a wider swath of the workforce with little or no IT experience have been left unemployed.   The economic disruption displaces hospitality or service workers with professional skills the field needs to seek out new opportunities and they can be upskilled to learn the technical, according to Amy Kardel, VP of strategic workforce relationships at CompTIA.  Plus, “it doesn’t necessarily require a degree to do these jobs,” said Kardel. “And people shouldn’t have to stop with their lives and go for a four-year degree if they want to reskill, they should be able to jump into a training program that lets them be part of a company.

computer jobs are here to stay

We are seeing many changes and our Education system is one of them.  With so many college graduates unable to find work and so many jobs for skilled/knowledgeable workers going unfilled, the time has come to find answers to the job and work problems we all are facing.

Thank you for reading and good luck on your career.

D.Foster and Friends

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