Life Lessons Happen Along Our Journey & are: Full of Lessons For Our Growth


Your Life Lessons Create The Journey –

A Hero Is Made Through Obstacles


Life Lessons are part of our life’s journey and create many emotions, both positive and negative along the way.  It is sometimes difficult to remember that Life is a Journey offering us opportunities to grow, in order for our lives to experience the next adventure with knowledge from each experience.  Learning is not usually the first thought we think, when we are experiencing excitement, good or bad. However, the lesson is one of the most important parts about the experiences throughout our lives.  We not only learn about others and our outer environments, but how we handle ourselves, during change and activity.  Our lives provide the experiences we need to grow and evolve throughout our lifetime.  We learn about responsibility, adaptive behavior, flexibility, problem-solving, and interactions with others through doing in this lifetime.  

What we do with what we learn is considered our “free will”.  All humans have the God given right to use their free will.  Discernment before action is an important part of learning.  Our educational system has taken our confidence in our decision making away from us in many ways, because of the indoctrination we receive in our school systems.  Finding our own thoughts can take a lifetime for some, and for some it may not happen in this particular life journey.  



I believe that these hero journeys relate to our lives in different ways. 
Wherever we are in this world, we experience our lives through positive and negative adventures.
What do we do when we are faced with negative influences?  This is where our challenges come.  Whatever the negative is that is going on in our lives, it is how we react that makes a difference.  
Consciousness of our own desire to be the best that we can be and a knowledge that we are mean’t to succeed can help us move through our fear and conquer the negative information that may seem to surround us.
Once we reach the other side of our fears, we dissolve many of the obstacles that are forcing us to feel defeated.   
Your thoughts control your mind when you are faced with challenges.  Can you see that changing your perceptions can be the catalyst for success.
Negative thoughts such as fear, anger and jealousy of others’ success can stop us.   Positive beliefs and thoughts can move us forward to great heights.  Many times creating outcomes we didn’t believe possible.
We are in a world of change.  Do not fear this change.  This change is needed. There have been influences in our lives that have smothered the positive thoughts and belief that we had when we were younger. In a more creative, loving, supporting world, our positive thoughts can move us toward the goals that we want to achieve for ourselves.  

A Hero’s journey is about life.  Life usually throws us curve balls.  What do you do with these objectionable interferences.?  These contain the trials and tests for our life.  Life’s challenges can create us into the Hero, from small to large events in our lives.  
When we can overcome the challenges, we learn the true nature of who we are and what we can accomplish.
Recognize the fear, and face it.  Conquer your fear and move forward.
Our lives will always offer us challenges.  Many time, these challenges are necessary for forward movement in our lives.
We can all be our own heroes.  There are lessons for all of us living our lives today.
Do not shy away from your challenges.  Facing them is what gives you the courage to face the next challenge. 
Understanding and Knowledge of the value of all of our challenges, doesn’t make them easier, but it makes the importance of facing them even more critical to reach our potential in life.
Choose those battles wisely, prepare for the challenges as best you can and move forward.  
Stay positive.  Expect the best.  Believe and Speak positive outcomes and trust that you are not given tasks that are too great for you to conquer.  
Wishing you wonderful experiences in life.
Thanks for reading and Thanks for sharing.
D Foster and Friends


no fear , conscious life
Life Is A Journey – Lessons Learned and Visions Ahead – Make It The Best It Can Be!

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